Wave plan

I’ve started planning my next painting, a slightly expanded version of my favorite painting from the last year, that was lost in the studio fire (Boira, in green).

I have taken the month of not-being-able-to-paint to think about processes and painting, so that there are incremental improvements to this next one. I hope my backgrounds will be slightly deeper and more uniform, and the lines and grids better measured and more accurately executed. Probably things only I will notice, but they’re important to me.

Expanding the design slightly, so it fills the canvas more takes the total number of lines in this to 640 - again, not really interesting to anyone except me. It’s one large wave of color over a deep green background (you can see the original in my Paintings section).

This scale takes weeks/months to complete, if I can get my momentum back, I may have completed this by the end of summer. After that I’ll do a companion piece, but I’m in two minds as to what that will be at the moment.


Things that don’t burn